Privacy News Round-Up #76 🌏️

• Your Next AI Wearable Will Listen to Everything All the Time (Your Next AI Wearable Will Listen to Everything All the Time | WIRED): The latest crop of AI-enabled wearables like Bee AI and Omi listen to your conversations to help organize your life. They are also normalizing embedded microphones that are always on.

• Apple auto-opts everyone into having their photos analyzed by AI for landmarks (Apple opts everyone into having their Photos analyzed by AI • The Register): Homomorphic-based Enhanced Visual Search is so privacy-preserving, iPhone giant activated it without asking.

• Telegram Hands U.S. Authorities Data on Thousands of Users (Telegram Hands U.S. Authorities Data on Thousands of Users): The number of data requests fulfilled by Telegram skyrocketed, with the company providing data to U.S. authorities on 2,253 users last year.

• US government says companies are no longer allowed to send bulk data to these nations (US government says companies are no longer allowed to send bulk data to these nations | TechRadar): US data is off the table for China, Iran, North Korea, Russia, and more.

• Malicious apps posing as free VPNs can turn your device into a tool for cyberattacks (Malicious apps posing as VPNs can turn your device into a tool for cyberattacks | Fox News): There are tons of apps out there that claim to offer VPN services, but not all of them are legit. Some are fakes trying to steal your data.