Privacy Info Aggregator

Privacy Info Aggregator
none 5.0 1

Hey all, so I made an automation to take the live videos on YouTube, transcribe them, translate if needed and then add it to Google Sheets for simplicity’s sake.

You can see a recording of the demo here:

The Darthfruits squad is planning on building out more of these to aggregate news or updates from prominent privacy focused projects, influencers, and key members and our idea is to present this to the NYM community to stay up to date with privacy related topics.

This is an example automation, but we would love to get some feedback from the community to see what types of aggregation is most wanted/needed for everyone to stay on top of things.

Let me know your thoughts.


Looks super interesting & this’ll definitely be a welcome addition once we resume community calls in 2025! Thanks so much for sharing, we’ll look into more ways to make this tool more useful for the community.

If you’re interested in getting rewarded for your contributions, please take a few mins and sign up to Nym Squad League here:

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