[POLL] 🎖️ NymSTAR award voting — July 2024

The NymSTAR award is one of the most prestigious accolades you can get as a Nym community member :orange_heart:

The award is given every month to outstanding Nym citizens who excel in Nym Squad League missions, help out new community members, spark interesting conversations in chats and stay active in Nym events.

For more information about the award and other NSL missions, see this page.

Vote your pick for this month’s NymSTAR award below!

:ballot_box: Eligible voters
@Nymja, @Shinobi & @Nym_team

:memo: Rules

  1. Shinobi can nominate more candidates but cannot nominate self.
  2. No one can vote on themselves (the vote won’t count otherwise).
  3. If you’re a nominated Nymster or Nymja, you can leave a post/comment and tell the voters why you should get their vote!

Vote for @rocio.gonzalez.toral :grinning:

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my vote goes for JS :crown:

Beyond if I could. and it’s not clear what I’m doing on this list?

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Can’t vote (( But, JS the best!


you’re a prospect outstanding citizen for this month for your active participation in the Squad League :slight_smile:

(and also the operators chat if I’m not mistaken)

I am very honored and proud to be a member of the community. I’m just only on the first steps of this ladder. I will try to make every effort to rise

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Your NymSTAR award winners for July 2024 are… :drum:

:fox_face: @JohnSmithPR

:telescope: @Beyond

:japanese_goblin: @rocio.gonzalez.toral

:woman_scientist: @jleiva

:man_guard: @medap95

All winners will get 1.5x multiplier on all points collected on the final Nymster leaderboard. 1000 $NYM will be rewarded to each winner.

Visit this link to see the full leaderboard announcement!


@JohnSmithPR my God :pray:

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I support you with all my heart!!! :pray: @inv1sko