NymVPN WorkShop: 42 Rio

NymVPN WorkShop: 42 Rio https://forum.nym.com/uploads/default/optimized/1X/6cda49ddf470e09f1ccb0732fc62840a1861e910_2_1024x768.jpeg
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TupiNymQuim held another event to promote NymVPN at École 42, this time for the institution’s new class of cadets.

École 42 is a software engineering college, from which many of the TupiNymQuim squad graduated. We took the opportunity to celebrate our squad’s one-year anniversary :partying_face:

We had an unforgettable event, which began with the presentation of Nym Deck and the introduction of the students to the web3 and cypherpunk universe.

Who participated?

psydenst and EduardaDT made the presentations, attended by 35
cadets + Tupi members.

The public was very engajed, 9 people joined the Telegram community and some people became interested in operating nodes and using the VPN. We chat a lot with them in the pizza time.

Is this a regular event?

No, but the doors of 42 are always open to Nym and TupiNymQuim

How did the activity help Nym community grow?

9 members entered our Telegram channels (a significant portion of the audience were already in the group).

Celebrating our first anniversary was a very special moment :slight_smile: We were happy and we also believe that we are consolidating a strong connection between 42 and Nym :slight_smile:

Location: 42 Rio, EcoSapucaí, Rio de Janeiro.

Key highlights/outcomes:

Attendance/Impressions: 35 people.
Engagement: 9 people entered the Nym Portuguese Telegram Channel and followed us on instagram.