NYMHUB. Grant project

Hello, friends. In the near future, I will start creating NYMHUB for our community, it will be created on the basis of git so that in the future each Nymja smich can offer their changes to the content or add to it. I need your help with the sections that will be relevant there. At the moment I am thinking about:
Guides (Installing nodes, migrating nodes, etc.)
Events (All your offline or online events)
Services (Telegram bots, explorers, etc.)
Regional channels (Everything that will be useful in each specific region)
I become a member of NSL

Nym link repository (socials, github, docs, explorer, NymVPN, blog, etc etc.)
Squad repository: i think this needs a new place and it would be a great add to the NymHub

What do you think about it? What other categories would you like to see, and maybe you can give us some references for the visual style of the site?


Hey @Beyond, as discussed in private, this is a great idea. I hope other community members will collaborate with you on this project as well.

I would add:

  • Nym link repository (socials, github, docs, explorer, NymVPN, blog, etc etc.)
  • Squad repository: i think this needs a new place and it would be a great add to the NymHub

I’ll keep thinking and come back if I have something more.

Really looking forward to NymHub kicking off!


what do you think about it?

Home page updated and Use NYM and Ecosystem pages added

Hello @Beyond :pray:. looks absolutely great. Great job)))

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Added community and guide pages

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NYM HUB Development and Support Plan

  1. Website Development and Initial Setup

Budget: 20,000 NYM

• Development of a website using modern technologies.

• Full integration of key features:

• Guides, community pages, and resources.

• Integration of requested tools such as leaderboards, event pages, and additional features.

• Hosting and domain setup.

• Initial testing and optimization of the site for performance.

  1. Site Functioning and Maintenance

Monthly Budget: 1,000 NYM

• Coverage of hosting and domain costs.

• Ensuring the stable and secure operation of the site:

• Regular performance monitoring.

• Prompt resolution of technical issues and downtimes.

  1. Adding New Content and Features

Budget Per Season: 50,000 NYM (max)

• Format: Task-based, with scope and costs agreed upon for each task.

• Examples of tasks:

• Implementation of the NSL leaderboard.

• Regular updates to events and new community-focused pages or content.

  1. Long-term Support and Final Maintenance

Budget Per Season: 15,000 NYM

• Final phase support after all planned additions:

• Ensuring smooth operation of the site.

• Long-term maintenance and minor updates based on agreed priorities.

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Added Events and Resources pages


- 28/11-02/12: Completion of content for Use NYM.
- 03/12-07/12: Work on Ecosystem and Community.
- 08/12-10/12: Finalise Guides.
- 11/12-12/12: Finalising Events.
- 13/12-14/12: Testing and finalising Resources.
- 15/12: Final testing and delivery of the site.

28.11.2024 Full page end NYMHUB. | Getting Started

29.11.2024 Full page end NYMHUB. | Setting up Nodes

30.11.2024 Full page end NYMHUB. | NymVPN Setup

I checked the website. In my honest opinion, one word. DOPE. Keep it up. Looking really good. :saluting_face:


01.12.2024 Full page end NYMHUB. | Privacy and Security Tools

Hey @Beyond, I am super excited about the NymHUB initiative and the site already looks great. Can’t wait to full incorporate it into Nym community tooling. Here is my grant offer for you in line with the above and our private conversations, plus extended and refined according to current community needs. Let me know what you think!


The Nym community has produced many tools, resources and apps over the years, besides other contributions such as representing the project at various events, organizing meetups, and more. The Nym team has launched community programs such as the Nym Squad League, organizes and attends events all around the world, and maintains various community channels and groups across Telegram, Matrix, Discord and Twitter. Together this accounts for a huge amount of information, which currently lives on/in various different sites, platforms and repositories.

The goal of this grant is to build NymHUB as the unified Nym community resource, which has all community-related and produced information in one place.

Current community priorities

In order for the program to scale, the Nym Squad League needs a facelift both in terms of user journeys/UX and information architecture. NymHUB is the perfect tool to solve both and for the first sprints of NymHUB, I’d like to focus on building out the following.

Stage 1: NSL fundamentals (Fall Season)

  • New and improved NSL mission board
  • easy-to-navigate and comprehensive NSL documentation (most of this already exists in some shape but needs revision + better layout):
    → NSL explained: high level overview
    → how to join the Squad League
    → How can you contribute? Submissions and proposals, grants, missions
    → Ranks explained
    → Squad Wealth Fund explained
    → the seasons of NSL
    → etc.

Stage 2: NSL mastery (Winter Season)

  • integrated NSL registration/onboarding/progression
  • live leaderboard
  • NSL contribution highlights
  • Squad repository: the squads of the Nym community, their logo and members, what they do, what they believe in, where they can be found, their nodes and NSL contributions, etc.

Stage 3: continued improvements (Spring Season)

  • additional features we can’t think of now, but will arise during the building process and implementation
  • iterating based on user feedback
  • fixing bugs, UX and UI issues

Stage 4: maintenance (Summer Season and Beyond, no pun intended :slight_smile: )

  • Operating the site
  • updating content
  • etc.


Besides the NSL-related stuff, I’d like the following to make it to the site as well during the first 3 stages:
community groups and channels repository

  • community resources repository
  • community guides
  • community calendar

Grant amounts

Building phase: 150k NYM

  • Stage 1 (Fall Season): 50k NYM
  • Stage 2 (Winter Season): 50k NYM
  • Stage 3 (Spring Season): up to 50k NYM (to be decided later, depending on the feature list and work required)

Maintenance phase: 15k NYM/season (from Summer Season)

  • operational costs, server, hosting, etc.
  • monitoring, ensuring stable and secure ops
  • Ensuring smooth operation of the site.
  • Long-term maintenance and minor updates based on agreed priorities.

note: If we decide to build NymHUB further later, we can start a new build phase and agree on pricing for the added features.

Let me know what you think!


Thank you for your reply. And I agree with you and your prescription. I already have some tasks from Salazar and will try to do it as soon as possible)

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Excellent! We have a deal then, let’s go!


02.12.2024 Full page end NYMHUB. | Nym Explorer

cant wait to see this happen! I’m all in for any info HUB and beyond have already proven his dedication. IMO rock’n’roll


03.12.2024 Full page end NYMHUB. | Nyх Blockchain