Got NYM tokens but don’t know what to do with them? Stake on a Nym node now!
Here are this week’s top Nym nodes - specially selected for top performance, and a variety of stake saturation and locations.
(🇮🇩 ExploreNYM - Indonesia - ExploreNYM) HoodRun (Spectre Explorer)
Node ID: 9wpTv1TyekdV2JfPXtfAG8q38b6R3iDZhLPpgAQqTYZ4
(Spectre Explorer) ExploreNYM (
Azad (Spectre Explorer)
Node ID: GyqErPG2EosoD4GVJ3zNkPkhZfSMEKdUFtYy7Up74Jcw
(Spectre Explorer) NKB Blocks (Spectre Explorer)
Node ID: 2Uf4EENWbp98DAfEsCfRjcGB6jCa3ZaZkm1AkN8j8ocx
(🇹🇠ExploreNYM - Thailand - ExploreNYM) (🇹🇠ExploreNYM - Thailand - ExploreNYM) TSDCoin (Spectre Explorer)
Gateway ID: 5Ao1J38frnU9Rx5YVeF5BWExcnDTcW8etNe9W2sRASXD
Browse more nodes on the Nym explorer. (
• Operators, promote your node below!
• Stakers, if in doubt, simply ask!
Stake NYM to contribute to one of the worlds most advanced traffic routing networks for the age of AI.
NYM token (Privacy made simple - NymVPN) | Staking guide (How to stake in the Nym mixnet | Nym) | How to run a Nym node? (Introduction - Nym docs)