New docs are live


Nym operators, builders, devs and technical community
We are thrilled to announce an upgrade version of Nym technical documentation.
We love Rust mdBook, but we out-grew them so to speak. In the end we migrated to Nextra,js and while doing so we restructuralised the framework a bit, here are some key changes:

  1. /docs landing page - All it takes to remember now is one url - from there you can continue to any listed page, following this logic:
  • - References to understand Nym architecture and its components in detail and technical primitives. We are planning to add much more graphs and interactive playgrounds
  • - information for developers and builders, from key concepts about how the Mixnet works to examples of our SDKs and modules. Tutorials coming soon
  • - Operators guide, step by step manuals to setup Nym nodes and validators, configure VPS, maintain Nym infrastructure and other useful tips. We are planning to add an in depth section on tokenomics and rewards this month.
  • - an SDK link takes devs directly to a subsection of Developer Portal.
  1. Chose between dark/light theme
  2. Interactive search bar
  3. Tabs for easier navigation
  4. All books build from one source directory which leads to larger integrity and easier maintenance.
  5. Possibility for integration of various playgrounds and self made components thanks to .mdx format.


We are cooking many more new features and niceties, so stay tuned. This is a source of truth of the entire technical community so as always, you are more than welcome to issue a pull request with proposed edits and changes.

Additionally we welcome every operator to take an active part in building our Community counsel section and help others with legal findings, ISP research or any other tips and tricks.

Looking forward to see you all in OPERATOR TOWN HALL (myself and Jaya), introducing upcoming changes, gateway rewards, API changes, new rules for active set selection and general roadmap of Nym network development ant its components.

:date: November 5, Tuesday
:alarm_clock: 15:00 UTC
:round_pushpin: Nym YouTube



Nice work Team :nerd_face: :nerd_face: :nerd_face: :nerd_face:

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Beauty UI :raised_hands: great docs

the docs look great :+1:

Great Work guys, this version help more!

Awesome work!! Congratulations