A Community Domain Name

A Community Domain Name :space_invader:

Hello everyone,

I’ve acquired the domain “nym.community” to provide a free hosting space for web apps and services that benefit our community. This allows developers to publish their contributions with community support before transitioning to an official domain.

Currently, the domain hosts a proposal for a community Nextcloud server: (https://cloud.nym.community). The domain can point to your server’s IP or your domain name (For this to work over SSL, we have to generate a certificate). I invite you to use this resource to host your new project!

How to host your contribution in nym.community

Send me a DM on Matrix/Element ([at] whitevoid:matrix.org) or by mail at (dns [at] hiddeninternauts.com) with the subdomain name of your service “.nym.community” and the IP of the machine that’s hosting your service or the webpage to point it to.

To host your contribution, please send me a direct message on Matrix/Element (username: [at] whitevoid:matrix.org) or via email at dns [at] hiddeninternauts.com. Include the subdomain name you wish to use for your service in the format “.nym.community” and the IP address of the machine hosting your service, or the URL of the webpage you would like it to point to.

More to come.

Kaled :chicken:

Post modification: I made a mistake by using URLs as targets for the DNS, I didn’t know this is not possible. Therefore I delete the previous link examples, my bad :sweat_smile:


Hey Kaled,

thank you for the idea and for taking the initiative. Keep an eye on the contribution list for the Summer Season :slight_smile: